My mission is to empower women and men to be healthy and confident through high quality coaching.
Leadership Coaching
I offer leadership coaching for individuals and groups. Benefits include scalable, relatable tools that can be used and taught to others on your team for improved communication and efficiency.
Health Coaching
I help you uncover habits and mindsets that are holding you back from living the sustainable, healthy life that you want to live by helping you formulate the healthy lifestyle that makes sense to you.
Corporate Health & Wellness
To Me It Makes Perfect Sense
That is, the idea that health and leadership coaching can go hand in hand. Understanding who you are as a person, seeking the health and balance you want from life and understanding what motivates you are possible. I believe that people are searching for peace, health and balance, but they are struggling to find what makes sense for them. I’m passionate about helping people understand who they are so they can become healthy, happy and free. Finding peace in your relationship with food and your body as well as finding peace in your purpose is what inspires me to be a coach.

3 Things You Need in Order to Move Forward From Burnout In Your Teams
3 Key Factors to Move Forward From Burnout In Your Teams The thought of adding another program or thing to do in an organization can feel daunting. I’ve heard this from a few client prospects lately. They might be interested in moving forward to help the...
How to Manage Emotions As A Leader
Every leader has emotions. We all have things that trigger us into feeling certain ways. For some, anger might surface quickly. For others, maybe they deal with self doubt or feeling insecure. Or maybe those don't seem to fit but you notice other emotions...
4 Phase Approach to Managing Burnout in Organizations
Burnout is a culture killer right now. Many employers are talking about it and trying to figure out what it is, how it differs from stress and what to do about it. If you are trying to manage burnout in your teams, this post may help give you...