I’m Back! My First Blog post in 2 YEARS!
You guys…it has literally been forever since I have written. As I write this, I am both so excited and a bit nervous to put my heart out there. I will definitely be sharing helpful tips for leadership and health, but I will also be weaving in some of my own personal life on this blog. This blog exists to help burnt out men and women find their purpose again and equip them to go after their goals. I’ve been there and I’ve worked my way past that burnt out feeling and I finally understand what my purpose and passion are and I’m living into that (it feels amazing too!)
I’ll be honest, a lot has happened since my last blog post, however, my passion for writing is still the same. I have missed writing. For me, it is therapeutic and uplifting. It is my craft… my creative outlet… the way I express myself that makes sense and fulfills me.
For those of you who don’t know me very well, I used to have a blog called Simply Intentional Life. I wrote on that little blog for about 4 years and shared tips for goal setting, meal planning and various other topics. To be honest, it was great and I loved it, but life sometimes has a way of letting you know when the time has come to wrap up a chapter and that’s exactly how I felt when I decided to stop writing on that blog.
Over this past year, I started to get this little itch to write again. When you feel compelled to do something, you can just do it without the expectation of it turning out to be anything and that is exactly where I am at with writing right now. I have zero expectations other than I want to write on this blog and I want to write a book someday- even if my 3 closest friends are the only ones who read it… oh and my mom:)
Writing is something that grounds me and I enjoy it so much so putting it into my schedule is a goal that I have! Please bear with me in regards to consistency of writing as I am just getting back into the swing of things!
As I am writing, I feel the anticipation and excitement I used to feel when I had my blog so many years ago. It is just like breathing for me to express myself like this. I absolutely love writing and my goodness I have missed the hours I used to spend in front of my computer just writing.
I’ve had so many people ask me why I stopped. I feel like that is irrelevant right now. What seems relevant is that I’m writing again and I could not be more excited to be in front of my computer typing these words to anyone that will read this.
I think about what might bring you to life. What is it that absolutely fuels passion in you? What creative outlet allows you to express yourself and who you are? How do you share your gifts with the world? Do not believe that you are too small or too much to share these gifts…. You simply are not either of these. You are perfect as you are and your words, your art, your creative outlet deserves to be shared.
I am absolutely thrilled to be back writing and even if one person reads this that is ok. My words were meant for you. I have changed so much this past year. I am so much more at home in my skin. I feel so much more alive and whole than I have ever felt in my life and I want to share what I have learned so that maybe you can feel a little at home in your skin too.
Maybe you already feel like a whole person. If that is so, sister/brother, let’s chat and wake up every person around us to let them know how worthy they are to feel fulfilled and living out their purpose.
If you are finding yourself, that’s ok too. We are all still evolving so you are in good company.
Every lesson in this life is an awakening. Every seeming fall from grace is actually a chance to reset…. At least that is what I have come to realize this last year.
You guys, I am so freaking excited to be back to writing again! With this blog, I want to help men and women understand how to lead themselves and feel happy, healthy and confident in the process so that they can free other people to feel the same way.
Ok, let me take this one step further…
Do you feel stuck trying to achieve your goals?
Have you been trying to go after a goal, but you keep getting stuck? This is totally normal and it happens! This FREEBIE will help you pivot quickly and get UNTSTUCK fast! Grab it here and start getting UNSTUCK!
Here are 5 things I hope to accomplish with this blog:
Empower women and men to unlock their true potential and share their gifts
I have learned so much about who I am, as well as my natural gifts and wiring by understanding my personality. I went through a leadership course in 2018-2019 that was life changing for me. It gave me so much clarity into who I am and why I love the things I love. For example, people with my personality love to write! Gah! I was like “Yes!!! Finally I don’t feel so weird for wanting to write a dang book!”
Figuring out my personality also helped me to understand why I love to coach people. INFJ’s (Creative Connector Pioneers in GiANT language) are exceptional coaches because we have this ability to see the potential in people that they cannot often see in themselves.
There is nothing more rewarding for me than to sit across from another person or give a speech in a group of people and see them begin to understand who they are. There is a little light that starts to shine and get brighter if it is nurtured and I love being the person who helps to brighten that light for someone else. There is seriously no greater joy in my life.
With this blog, I want to help you see yourself a little more clearly. I want to help you understand your personality and giftings and empower you to take the next natural step towards your potential. I also have so many different ways to coach you if you want to take that natural next step with me. If that sounds like you, set up a free call with me so we can talk about the best, budget friendly way for you to get started living the purpose filled life you have dreamed of living.
Help you ditch the idea of perfectionism and step into who you were made to be.
I had to deal with something really hard this past year. I went through a divorce and to be honest, I was content with staying small and hidden in my bubble away from people because I thought that disqualified me from leading. If I am super honest and transparent, I would tell you that I was terrified to lead others and tell them about my brokenness because in my mind I was thinking “who would listen to me?”
There was this dichotomy in my brain- I knew the transformation I experienced by using the information I learned from becoming a Health coach and Leadership coach yet, I felt like I was too broken to help others. Doubt stuck with me for months as I pursued these passions secretly. As luck would have it though, there were a few people in my life who kept prodding me in such a gentle way and telling me not to believe those lies. They pushed me to do the hard work with dealing with this doubt until I could figure it out and then move forward.
I’ve realized something during this time of dealing with doubt. Leaders do not look one way. There is not a one size fits all leader. There is the vision that I had that leaders look like men/women in business suits with fancy clothes and that is just not true- especially when you look at the millennial generation and Gen Z people. If you look at the newer generations, we have tattoos, wear mom jeans/jeans with holes, dye our hair fun colors and we are vibrant individuals. I’m a millennial so I know these things.
When I think about leaders in this generation, we don’t wear suits or feel like there should be a standard of what a leader looks like and that is the camp I fall into. Honestly, I want to share my brokenness and the healing transformation I went through because it is important for others to know that feeling broken does not disqualify you as a leader. It can make you a better leader.
I Want to Help You Change Your Relationships- First With Yourself, Then Others
I have personally seen transformation in how I lead myself and how I lead my family since I started with GiANT and underwent a year long leadership intensive. I started to see myself in a different light. I started to understand why I have the passions I have and slowly over time, I started to settle into the fact that I love coaching. Learning who I am gave me a voice that I didn’t have. It gave me words to put behind my insecurities and it gave me confidence to see and live into the gifts I have.

Help You Navigate What Healthy Self Image Looks Like
I’ve seen this trend among women and men… probably more women though… of negative self image or body image. They feel there is a standard or a level of perfection that must be achieved in order to feel whole, happy and confident. They have to have a body that others feel worthy in order to feel worthy themselves.
This literally breaks my heart. Why can’t we celebrate imperfections and feeling healthy and happy? Why must we continually strive for something that is always going to be unattainable?
We take our health and our bodies for granted. I can get caught in this web from time to time, but I will say that I am so much better with understanding that my body is a gift. I have the ability to push myself physically. I can make and eat food that is good and healthy for my body.
This is an area that needs a lot of work from a lot of different people and we all need to pay this forward. We are still killing ourselves to be perfect or look a certain way for others and not focusing on long term health. I want to pay it forward in my blog of how you can actually love yourself now while you make changes that support your goals.
Help You Understand Stages of Change and Why You Might Have Trouble Making A Change for Good
Change is hard. I totally get it and making a change for good can seem like such an impossible task, but… I want to help you understand your brain a little bit because I have a feeling that might help.
One of the greatest gifts of coaching is helping people discover their motivation and make changes that fit them- not anyone else. Change happens when you figure out your big reason… your big why. What is the reason you want to make a change? Why do you want to lose that weight? Why do you want that new job? Why do you want financial freedom?
If you can tap into that inner why and really hone in on it, you can change. It has to be a focus though. It has to be something you think about often and you make it an anchoring thought every single day.
When I tell you it has to be a big why, I mean it. It has to be something you might miss out on if you don’t change. For example, past clients who were trying to lose weight didn’t use “I want to lose weight because I want to fit into my skinny jeans.” That is a perfectly fine reason to use but it isn’t compelling enough if you want to make long term sustainable change. Another client of mine used this reason for change “I want to lose 40 pounds to get off my meds and so I can comfortably ride with my kids on a rollercoaster.” This client was motivated because he didn’t want to miss out on life with his kids while they were growing up and he didn’t want to take meds everyday.
For others their why looks like losing weight so they can see their kids graduate college because they are diabetic, have high blood pressure and have a family history of heart disease. That is a compelling why, am I right?
What is your reason for change? Maybe it doesn’t have to do with health, but it has to do with your dreams. Maybe you want to pay off debt so you can ultimately quit your job and start your dream business. You have to focus on that business and think about the details of it intimately every day in order for you to be motivated to pay off debt to get that thing started.
In one of the offices I coach, we sat around and talked about what it looks like for them to change their workplace culture. They all said they wanted to communicate better and feel like a unified team. They were all on the same page, yet they felt like they weren’t collaborating in a way that each of them felt seen and heard. We worked on this for several months and now they wear matching scrubs on Wednesdays to celebrate wine Wednesday -just the color of the scrubs… No they aren’t drinking on the job:) – and they each feel supported by one another after learning about each other’s personalities and learning how to communicate in a more efficient way.
Your goals matter. Having a place to work where you feel seen, heard and valued matters. You can get to where you want to be in life.
I started to see that I am very purpose driven. If I don’t feel like I have a purpose in my work, I feel awful about life. Having this understanding helped me make massive changes and helped me move forward into coaching full time. I loved being a PA, but there was nothing like the experience of watching others make change in their lives and seeing them grow. It is incredible to watch the personal growth of another human being.
In my family, I started to understand my kids and their individual personalities and honestly I started to see them so differently. I started to actually lead them and lead them confidently. For the first time, I could see them as 2 different kiddos and really appreciate them for who they were individually. I love that Joey has a huge heart for others and he has So. Much. Empathy. He loves science, math and baseball. He is in the middle of understanding what it looks like to push himself to the next level and still be a kid and live life. It is so fun to watch him.
Logan is hilarious. The kid is a total introvert and enjoys time alone after school. He is not all about team sports and we finally settled on him trying golf and a kids gym/fitness class because they are solitary activities where he can compete against himself. He is always thinking and he is my kid that will put toy snakes in tissue boxes to see if we freak out.
Logan is also my kid that is a bit different than I am. I think he makes decisions based on logic, systems and processes whereas I make decisions based on feeling. Because of this, we can struggle when it comes to connecting when a change needs to be made. Because I know this about him now, I have to give him a lot of detail as to why something is going to change or prep him ahead of time when something is coming up. It helps him adapt and not get anxious. Learning this about him has been so life giving as his mom. I adapt to change so easily and so does Joey but Logan really needs to know the why behind change. I have been guilty of parenting my kids as if they share my personality but Logan is not my mini me at all.
This is how learning about personalities has helped me in my personal relationships. I have also used this at work and as a board member of a non profit. In all areas, having this knowledge has helped me appreciate others so much more and it has allowed me to be so grateful for the gifts that others possess. I hope to share more about personalities here to help you get a handle on them and help you in all of your relationships too.
In summary, I have learned so much and I want to share it with you so you can start using it too. I hope to have some other resources to help you along the way, but in the meantime, feel free to contact me if you have questions or are interested in a service that might benefit you personally or your team at work. I’d love to sit and chat with you over coffee and figure out how I can help!
Do you feel struck trying to achieve your goals?
Have you been trying to go after a goal, but you keep getting stuck? This is totally normal and it happens! This FREEBIE will help you pivot quickly and get UNTSTUCK fast! Grab it here and start getting UNSTUCK!