My Website Was Specifically Designed for People Who Are Burnt Out and Wanting More Out of Life
Friends, this past year and a half has been tough. The pandemic threw us all for a loop. Every single one of us has struggled in some capacity over the last year and a half. So many people are struggling and feeling helpless right now and I totally understand that. Feeling overwhelmed and under pressure sucks. Feeling stuck without direction or understanding how to feel better is awful. I’ve been there and I will tell you that you do not have to live this way. I think that I am so passionate about writing again because I figured out how to live my life to the fullest by helping others feel confident and secure. I get excited to get out of bed each morning now and I want that for you too. I’d love to help you get there.
I would love nothing more than for a whole army of men and women to see themselves and their potential and start living with purpose and fulfillment.
Are you struggling to achieve your goals? Do you feel stuck?
Leadership Coaching I get a lot of people who ask me about coaching, specifically leadership coaching. They ask what it is and how it can help them. Great questions! The quick answer is this… leadership is the ability to help others get to the next level of where they want to be in their lives. Every single one of us is leading someone even if that person is ourselves! Leadership coaching is helping you understand who you are (your personality) and it is helping you understand those around you so you can communicate more effectively and really be FOR others.
I’ve seen this massive shift in my own life.
In 2018, I was at a place in my life where I felt overwhelmed by the busy-ness of life and completely unfulfilled with life. I dreaded waking up and getting out of bed in the morning. I didn’t feel like I had a purpose and felt so darned confused about what to do about it. At the time, I was working part-time as a PA (Physician Assistant), working in 2 separate businesses with my then husband and trying to raise 2 little boys. It was hectic and to be honest, there wasn’t much I loved about life. I felt drained, unfulfilled, and really questioned what the heck I was doing with my life. I ended up signing up for a leadership group that would last a year and that was finally when I had a breakthrough. I started to see myself clearly.
After learning my voice, it was like the light bulb that I needed to understand why I felt unfulfilled. I started doing some self searching and after understanding my peace index (GiANT term), I figured out that I am a purpose driven person and I wasn’t doing anything in my life to fulfill that purpose. The purpose of this website and blog is to help those of you who feel stuck and unfulfilled. I have been there and it is not a fun place to be, but having the understanding of who you are, how you are wired and what your leading indicator is for happiness- that changes everything and I want to help you. Waking up and immediately wanting to go back to bed is not the way to make it through life.
Friend, I understand this first hand and please know that this existence does not have to be a long term thing. If you want to sign up for a free assessment, use this link to sign up and I promise by doing that alone, you will gain some clarity and perspective into who you are which will help. If you are looking for a coach (oh hey!) check out my services page and how I can help you. I’ll tell you right now that I offer a lot of different ways to jump into coaching. I love it and I am so excited to see people grow and change.
Here is just a quick overview on what I am offering right now:
- I offer one on one coaching- usually this is in one hour blocks of time with the cadence of your choice.
- Monthly group coaching- this is something called a Sherpa group and this is the most cost effective way to get yourself a coach…. AKA… Me. The benefit of group is seeing other people grow and learn together. Super impactful!
- Corporate or team coaching- If you are part of a corporation, office or team, I have done (and love doing these) workshops where the team can learn and grow together. This has been a game changer for workplace culture in the offices I have been in. I also do a free 90 minute workshop to make sure I am a good fit and that what I offer is right for you and your team
Are you struggling to achieve your goals? Do you feel stuck?
Health Coaching I was a Health Coach way before I was certified to be a Leadership Coach and I still love it. I love helping people understand what health looks like to them. Health is different for everyone. Not everyone wants to be plant based and not everyone wants to do Keto. I believe there is room for both in the health world. I know it seems so strange that I would offer both health and leadership coaching… the truth is… I like variety. I like being different and now I feel secure in being just that… different. I can’t coach just one thing.. It isn’t who I am.
Leadership and health coaching… oh and baseball… Let’s not forget baseball. Don’t be surprised if you see me coaching my boy in middle school (although he probably won’t like it as much then:) I digress…. I’ve realized there is something missing in traditional weight loss programs… the need to have a positive mindset. Mindset is everything when losing weight. Resilience, persistence, stamina- all things you need when you embark on ditching diets and want sustainable health.
You can understand food, calories and movement, but it is also essential to understand emotions and habits around food. I thought it was kinda weird that I wanted to offer both fields of coaching, but I will say that I think health and leadership coaching marry so well together and here’s why: Physical health is a pillar of leading yourself. If you don’t feel healthy or well, it can bring down something called your peace index – or how happy or content you are in general.
For some clients, this is a huge piece to them feeling better about themselves or increasing their overall peace. I’ve also noticed that different personalities think differently about food. Understanding the different personalities has also given me better insight into how to help clients who want to lose weight– total bonus! Now that you understand the why I am doing what I’m doing, I also want to make it clear who I am helping here. I want to help people who are sick of diets. I want to help people who are ready to define what health means to them and really dig in to becoming a healthy, happy human. I want to help people who want a healthy self image and who want to love themselves. I want to help people who are ready to embrace challenge and don’t worry, I’ll help you get through those challenges. I like to use this analogy with people. I hired a running coach last year. After running 10 miles for the first time last March, I wanted to die.
It was awful and I almost hung up my running shoes and gave up on my goal of running a half marathon. I didn’t think I had it in me. Then out of nowhere, God gave me a running coach. He asked me what my goal was with running and my reply was this: “I want to run a half marathon and not die or feel like I am going to die at the end.” He confidently told me he could help and he did. He set out a plan for me and we worked on that plan together only he never ran with me. He encouraged me, cheered me on, gave me some tough love and at the end of the day, I finished my half marathon and felt great! I can run 2 and a half minutes faster than my high school mile time and I’m 37!
Bottom line is this with me as your health coach…. I am in the passenger seat and you are the driver. I get to help you discover your inner motivation and help you figure out what works best for you given the goals that you have and given your past history with food and exercise. We work on this framework together and I help you set the foundation to your health so you can sustain these long term changes/habits. I’m going to warn you… it is hard but not impossible. You will feel frustrated along the way (similar to me on track days- I hated track/speed days and wouldn’t talk to my coach sometimes). You might want to give up sometimes (like after my first 10 mile run), but I help you work through those feelings and get you to the other side. Mindset is everything, friends. If it was just about calories in and calories out, this weight loss thing would be pretty easy… but you and I both know it is more complicated than that.

FREE Roadmap to Healthy Weight Loss!
Follow this step by step guide to understanding your relationship with food including:
- Emotions related to food
- Your past food story
- What drives your decision making with food
Also, get organized for healthy weight loss by following the easy to use templates!
- Less stress
- More balance with work and home life
- Time to work on their health
- Specifically time to exercise and be active
- Better mental health
Obviously there are caveats to work from home life and I have seen some of these with clients that I work with. Not all jobs easily transfer to work from home roles. Teaching is one profession that I have seen clients struggle with doing from home. Thankfully, schools are opening again and teachers are finding their work flow again, but I know this was a really tough time for lots of teachers during the pandemic. For remote working people, struggles I have seen are:
- Not knowing when to stop working
- Increase in stress due to working from home and always being available
- Extended periods of sitting
- Being isolated from others which may cause depression/anxiety
Here’s where I corporate health and wellness comes in. The pandemic has given us some really interesting insights into work/life balance, what work from home looks like and what really caring for your employees and offering work life balance looks like in an office setting. Bottom line, I see a shift in what it means to take care of employees in the workplace. I see employers working on what work/life balance means and offering mental health days for significant stress. I see ways of helping employees actually work on their health to avoid high paying insurance premiums. I see a lot of creativity and ingenuity to make sure more voices are heard on the team to make this type of support a reality. If you are looking for ways to support your staff and employees, I’d love to sit down with you and talk about what that would look like and how I can help. I have experience specifically with the high demands of medicine and also working from home. Contact me today for a free assessment