The Top 5 Thought Leaders in the Leadership/Personal Development Industry that you need to follow
How many of these incredible people do you know? I’m going to share the top thought leaders in the leadership/personal development industry that really changed my life for the better. I have such a hard time separating personal development and leadership because to me developing yourself means you are becoming more authentic and whole as a leader. That is what I have seen in each one of these people so that’s why they made this list.
And by the end of the article, you will discover what leadership coaching looks like and I’m going to show you 2 of my favorite tools that I use every day as a gauge of how well I am leading others.

Ready? Let’s dive in!
Leader #1: John Maxwell
John Maxwell is a leadership guru. I’ll be honest and tell you that I have read a lot of his books and they have been instrumental in understanding what leadership is and how to lead someone well. Before we go any further… I want to clear something up here. Leadership is the ability to have influence on someone. It isn’t positional power over someone or holding a position of stature. Nope. It is your ability to influence someone whether that is positive or negative.
You are leading yourself, your kids, your significant other, your church group, your coworkers, your nieces and nephews, your aunts… get the picture? Anyone you are in relationship with, you are influencing.
I like to think of leadership as the ability to see something in someone else coupled with guiding them to seeing it themselves and then helping them take the action needed to get where they want to go. I get so darn excited about it I cloud scream.
Anyways, back to John Maxwell.
I had the opportunity to see John Maxwell speak once and it was awesome. He was poised, professional and relatable on stage. You could absolutely tell that writing and speaking were gifts that he possessed and he gave those away so well. He continues to encourage and inspire so many people with his experience, knowledge and wisdom.
One thing he said has stuck with me to this day. He said that his favorite week is the week between Christmas and New Years. He blocks off his schedule and spends a lot of time in his office reflecting on life, his family and business. He said that if you would spend time with him on that week, you would be so bored.
I know what you are thinking…. Why the heck did that stand out to me?
Good question.
I think it is because this is how my brain works. If I could have an entire week to block off my schedule and do nothing… this is exactly what I would do. I would spend a week dreaming of what life could look like and also reflecting on past failures to potentially change the future in some way.
But I would choose a warm beach setting to hold my dream/reflection session… the only thing that John didn’t do.
Anyways, leadership doesn’t always look like big moves being made. It can actually look like quiet reflection on past decisions and figuring out lessons from failure . It is learning from past mistakes and using those mistakes to create a better future. John is so good at explaining failure and the benefits of it in his book Failing Forward.
“Sometimes great achievement can come only as a result of a period of failure that helps you understand who you really are.”
You spoke right to me on this one, John.
If there is one thing I want to teach other leaders- it is ok to mess up. There are no perfect leaders. Your past does not define your future. You can start from scratch today. Oh… and you do not have to wear a business suit to be a leader (because most leaders don’t wear business suits)
If you are exploring leadership, check out John Maxwell’s site and read any of his books. You won’t regret it!

Leader #2: Brene Brown
I almost cried writing her name. If there is one leader I would love to meet… it would be Queen Brene. Also, I want to highlight that she is a successful woman leader. We need more women leaders so please do not back down now women.
I think I like her so much because she is an introvert and she readily tells anyone who will listen that she loves alone time and when she has been around people too long, she needs space. I love that she openly gives us introverts permission to have the space we need in order to fill our cups and support people again.
She also swears on her Podcast.. I can get behind that kinda realness.
I also love how she openly shares her story of the work she has had to do with body image issues and how she has had to say I’m sorry as she leads her company. Again, you will notice that I tend to gravitate towards realness and authenticity. I think because authenticity is a core value of mine. People, it is ok to mess up! Be messy but be you!
She embodies such rawness and authenticity that I cannot help but want to read everything she puts out.
I did a freaking toastmasters speech on one of her books, ok.
Brene is also well known for her research on shame. Putting awareness around this topic is so needed and I am so glad she didn’t back down from studying it.
If you haven’t read any of her books I would recommend starting with The Gifts of Imperfection or Daring Greatly. If you have Netflix, type her name into the search bar and watch her documentary. Thank me later.
It is definitely worth the 45 minutes you will spend watching it.
I also love that Brene is an inclusive author and leader. She takes a very strong stand for equality and I admire that about her.
If you are doing some work on shame, daring leadership or positive body image/self talk- check out my queen.

Leader # 3 Eric Thomas
I was introduced to Eric Thomas through a doctor I used to work with. He said that this guy motivated him and he had a YouTube video with millions of views.
He got me right there.
I immediately went to YouTube and watched it. Here is that video:
Then I watched it again and another time later. Then the next morning I woke up and watched it again. I then decided it would be a great idea to listen to all things Eric Thomas. It was not a bad choice. He is INCREDIBLY motivating.
Ya know, there is a secret to becoming a better leader, to losing the weight and keeping it off and to achieving the goals you want to achieve.
It’s your MINDSET.
Trust me when I tell you that I have told patients how to lose weight. I have given them calorie guidelines. I have given them meal plans and more guidelines. I have met with them to give them more meal ideas and more guidelines, but it never worked.
You know why?
In order to make a change, mindset is everything. There is a balance between grit and grace/support and challenge and when you figure out this balance and start believing what you are capable of life changes. You change.
This is why I love coaching. I get to witness this change and it is AMAZING. When you start to help people overcome their limiting beliefs and they see that their thoughts are limiting them and they see the lies, they can break free of them and go after what they want.
If you want to lose weight… you can do it.
If you want to make more money… you can do it.
If you want to have deep friendships… you can have them.
If you want to go after your dreams… What’s stopping you?
Eric has definitely been someone who has spoken into my life but will never know it. I’m good with that. I hope he keeps doing what he is doing because he is crushing it with motivation and mindset work. Whose life are you influencing? What difference are you making because I bet that person wants you to keep going too.
Check out Eric’s YouTube channel for a boost of motivation or check out his website.

Leader #4 Glennon Doyle
I hadn’t even heard of Glennon Doyle until November of 2020. I randomly went to Target and was looking for a book to read and stumbled upon Untamed. I read the book in 2 days and wished I hadn’t because it was that good. I wanted more. I won’t spoil the book for you, but it is a page turner.
I read this book at a time in my life where I was just coming out of a divorce. Glennon had also gone through a divorce and discovered that she actually was same sex attracted. (Ok, I spoiled a little of the book for you… sorry). When I read her book, I was going through a time in my life where I felt broken and felt like I was supposed to be hidden and quiet. This book cracked open the door to me finding who I was again.
Then from there, I confided in a friend that I was probably a little too broken to lead and she kindly laughed on the phone at me.
She spoke such words of truth that I couldn’t help but partially believe them. We then met again and again until I started to fully believe them.
Now I have no problem helping other women/men see their stories of brokenness so they see them as a triumph…something they made it through to live and tell others about.
Glennon points this out so well in her book, but often we put so many others before we put ourselves and if you want to be a leader worth following, you have to be 100% healthy first. Put your oxygen mask on first. Get healthy then lead others to health. That is not selfish, that is a self aware leader.
If you haven’t read this book or you haven’t listened to Glennon’s podcast, check out her site here. You can also follow her on Instagram.

Leader # 5 Jeremie Kubicek and Steve Cockram
I know… 2 for the price of 1… you’re welcome. I had to include these 2 because I believe that they are changing the way leadership looks. Yes they are the cofounders of GiANT. Yes, I am certified as a leadership coach through GiANT, but if you know anything about me, you know I have been studying personal development and leadership for years and I have never seen anything like the scalable tools used at GiANT.
I have taken the Enneagram, Myers-Briggs, and DISC and I still kind of felt like I didn’t understand how to use those assessments. When I went through GiANT… it was like my personality was staring right back at me and I finally understood so many of the whys behind what I do. I have certain tendencies based on my personality and I was finally able to confront them and manage some of the negative ones while actually seeing the strengths I have and using them.
I have gained confidence, intentionality with parenting, the ability to coach like I have never coached before and I gave myself permission to pursue writing again because I will tell you… I felt so thrown off and low after my divorce. Yes, that is real talk, but you need to know that even if your confidence takes a hit, you can come back from it. Even if you are feeling scattered, guilty, ashamed, broken, there is still hope. That is why I am writing again! I’m certain of it!
Dang it… these tangents are crazy….
Back to Jeremie and Steve…
Ok. So these 2 decided to move their families into a big house together to flesh out what GiANT might look like. Their goal is to create selfless, humble leaders who are 100% healthy so that they can then multiply other healthy leaders. Don’t get tripped up by the word leader here… it means influence. Their goal is to create healthy influencers who can then create other healthy influencers and not just on Instagram.
We need real people sharing real stories and helping real people become better. Our world is craving good, honest, humble, authentic, stable and secure people to follow… why can’t that be you?
One thing that all of these authors/leaders/personal development gurus have in common is that they are all intentional about their growth and the growth of others. They want to see people live more authentic, relationally full lives being who they were meant to be.
That is deep and that is real and I think that is why they have all inspired me to become a better leader.
There are definitely pieces of my own personal story that also served as catalysts to change, but I believe that you go further when you have solid people to look up to who you can relate to. I may never meet these people in person but they have all mentored me in some way through their words and that is why I am writing.